
When you work with Trades and Professions, we accompany you throughout the entire process. We will help build your resume so that it stands out and meets the standards that potential employers are looking for.

Lesson Planning

When it comes to lesson planning, it’s necessary to know American curricular standards. We work with you so that you know exactly what is expected of the content you present in the classroom.

Classroom Management

The United States is a large, diverse country, and this variation is reflected in the community needs for proper classroom management. Like schools everywhere, sometimes it’s a breeze, and sometimes it’s unexpectedly challenging. Drawing on the lived experiences of Ms. Sasuman’s classrooms in many different neighborhoods, our teachers receive specific guidance to address a number of adverse situations. You will be equipped with multiple strategies, so that you don’t have to feel like you are alone when challenges arise. 

The  American Public School System

The American public school system is one of the oldest and largest in the world. Requirements vary between states and between districts. We provide insight that is applicable to your specific neighborhood and situation, so that you are fully prepared to enter the classroom as an educator.

Your First Day

The most exciting and terrifying day of school is day one. Before you set foot in your classroom, we work together to make sure that your materials, lesson plan, and classroom management tactics are solid. We leave nothing up to chance! When you walk in for your first day of school, you have the support of the entire Trades and Professions team behind you.